Thursday, July 30, 2009
Trail cams
The other night on "Nite Callers" the producer of "Monsterquest" reccomended a Reconyx trail cam. He said it was a 3.1 mexapixel IR trail cam, but didn't know how much it cost because his were donated to him. Since most of us don't have the luxury of having things donated to us, I decided to check into this particular trail cam. It's $600!! Since I very seriously doubt that a 3.1 megapixel image would ever convince a skeptic of anything, I decided there had to be a better, more affordable option out there somewhere. I remembered one of my friends had some good IR trail cam pics of deer on his Facebook page, so I decided to find out what kind of trail cam he uses. He uses a "Wildview IR" The one he uses is only a $99 one. But a Google search found a Wildvie IR Extreme for only $119. It's 5.0 megapixel & has the burst feature that allows it to take a series of images so fast that it looks like video AND it has video capability
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
It's time to get on the same page
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Polls in non-Bigfoot related groups
Do you believe Bigfoot exists?
Yes 89
No 43
Undecided 30
The second poll was:
Have you checked out my website at & the links on it?
Yes & it made a believer out of me 10
Yes. But I still don't believe Bigfoot exists 7
No. But I believe Bigfoot exists 51
No. I don't waste time on fairytales 30
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Rock piles & stick structures
The photo of the rock pile that was recently posted on the W.V.B.I.G. website has got me thinking about possible purposes of rock piles & stick structures if they are in fact, Bigfoot related. Possible explanations that have been offered for rock piles are boundary markers or just juvenile Bigfoots at play. Possible explanations that have been offered for stick structures are again, boundary markers or trail markers. Another possible explanation for rock piles that has occured to me is that possibly they are ammo storage since we've all heard stories of Bigfoots lobbing rocks at intruders & another possible explanation for stick structures could be burial markers for food supplies for winter. I don't know of any accounts of the same stick structure being found in two or more consecutive years